Hello, my name is Terrie Martinez, the owner of Martinez Counseling. I am a semi-native of Colorado Springs, Colorado, where I grew up and live with my family. I have several years of experience working with teenagers, adults, couples, the elderly, and trauma survivors.
In addition to my work with Depression, Anxiety, and Personality Disorders, I have been trained in sexual addictions. I hold certifications in sexual addictions, spouses of sexual addicts, intimacy anorexia with the American Association for Sex Addition Standards. (AAST) . The behavioral model for sexual addictions from Douglas Weiss, PhD. I am also a Board Certified TeleMental Health Counselor in Colorado and Florida . Florida telehealth provider registration number is 620 at MQA.Telehealth@flhealth.gov. Certified First Emergency Responder Counselor and I accept several different medical insurances.